We hope you are all surviving this semester. We're having a hard time believing that there is only 7 more weeks left of this semester (including finals week).
For those of you who couldn't make it to the meeting, we wanted to give you a brief overview of the main points.
- We want to get everyone more involved in UNLV Dental Prospects.
- What do you expect to receive from being a member of UNLV Dental Prospects. (Please either post a reply to this blog or you can email us at unlvdentalprospects@gmail.com)
- We need some members to volunteer to head the Volunteer/Service Committee. This is a great way to become more active and involved with the organization and at the same time making a difference in peoples lives. For those of you who are interested, please email us
- There is a new course being offered next semester - Spring 2008. It is a "Preview to Dentistry" course. SCI 110X which is worth 1 credit. We will provide you with more information as soon as we receive it.
- Job Opportunity - Part-Time Dental Assistant. For more details, please email us.
- Anyone interested in buying a UNLV Dental Prospects t-shirt, you can pre-order them by paying $10.
- Our Guest Speaker was Dr. Ervin Calvo - recent grad from UCLA Dental School. He discussed his experiences in applying to dental school, taking the DAT, life in dental school, and his career after dental school. It was really informative and we really appreciated him taking time out of his busy schedule to address us.
- For those who still haven't officially joined the club yet, there is a $10 membership fee.
For those who were able to attend, we're glad you came and hope you found it informative. For those who weren't able to attend, we hope you will be able to join us next time. Please email us or post a comment to our blog with any questions or comments. Please let us know which of you guys are interested in heading the Volunteer Committee.
Once again, we hope your semester is going well. Good luck with your studies.
UNLV Dental Prospects
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